Our camera isn't really the greatest thing in the world with which to take a picture of a picture, but you can get the basic gist of what he looks like. The above picture is his profile and you can see his perfect little face. It looks pretty cute to me!
And this my friends, (above) would be the picture defining his gender. It took a lot of staring at it for me to figure out what exactly I was looking at. The arrow is pointing right to his boyhood. To the right of that is his left knee and his foot and to the left is his right foot. Click to enlarge and see if you can see that too. The ultrasound technician was able to tell right away that it was a boy and so we're quite sure that he's not going to pop out a girl. She had a hard time getting this picture for us though. When she went to his bottom, he was sitting indian style and we couldn't see his boyhood at all. She used the little periscope thingy and tried to get him to move and she got that quick shot.
This picture is one of those 3D ones where the baby looks like a demon. It's really hard to tell what this is and if she hadn't been pointing everything out for us I'd have no clue. But this is part of his face. On the right edge is his nose and mouth and the rest of his face is being covered up by his hand. Most of the time during the u/s he had his hands up to his face; it was quite cute.
This, the technician said, will probably be the last full shot we'll be able to get of him until he comes out because he'll be too big to fit into a shot after this. But this is his back and it's just so amazing to me how I've got this perfect tiny little person just curled up in there! Steven and I are so thrilled to be having a boy. I've wanted a boy first for as long as I can remember because I think that every girl needs a big brother. We were so convinced that it would be a girl because we both wanted a boy and were very surprised when she told us it was a boy. I'm, also very excited that I'm going to be able to use this for our boy!
And this last little picture here is of my dear friend Wraggles modeling a baby hat I made just last night. I love to crochet, keeps my hands busy while I watch movies and whatnot. Yesterday after my appointment I went online and found a bunch of cute patterns for baby items and this is the first one I made. I was pretty excited that it turned out to look just the way it was supposed to look! So for maybe $3 or possibly less, and 1 hour of time, we have our first baby hat!