Sunday, January 10, 2010


Well, 2009 has come and gone and we're into a new year. I don't like winter once Christmas and New Year's is over; it's very depressing. It's cold and it's grey and the snow is hard. Everyone's lights are gone and trees are down. So here's just a couple pictures from our Christmas this year. The top one is our tree with all our presents, for each other and family, under it.
This is the tree at my in-laws house. We had a really nice Christmas Eve and Day there with the Yeips, sans Carl who is on his mission for another year. We did get to talk to him for a while on Christmas morning and it was fun to hear the difference the last year has made in him.
Micah, Heather, Meghan and Brendan all came up on Christmas day and stayed a couple days with us. It's so nice to have in-laws who can get along so well with my family that we can feel comfortable to spend holiday time all together. Micah and Steven took Meghan out and stuck her on an old snowboard and pushed her down the little slope in front of Steven's parents house. She's so cute in all her winter gear.
Steven's parents and sister Deneal getting breakfast ready Christmas morning.
On to other topics besides Christmas, I'm officially in my last trimester now. It's very scary to me that in just 3 more months I'll have a child. It's seemed kind of surreal. It only really hit me last week that we will actually have a baby and he's not going to just stay in there forever. I look forward to so much about becoming a mom, but I'm dreading the worrying about caring for him and the decisions he'll make one day and the kind of person he'll become. I'm counting on the fact that Steven and I have turned out alright that our kids will too.
Heather is only 6 weeks ahead of me and due next month. She's quite a bit smaller in the belly than I am though. I love that we're both having boys and so close together. Hopefully Baby Boy Howard and Baby Boy Yeip will be good friends one day!
Cousins together!

2009 was a good year overall. We had a couple good vacations including one to Oregon/Washington and one to California. I got pregnant, which is probably one of the bigger highlights. I lost my grandmother, but not in some tragic way at least. The nice thing about her passing was being able to be with all my family for a few days and see my cousins who I only see every once in a while. Steven and I fortunate enough to have great friends and great families who make our lives great. We also very fortunate to have each other and to be able to have this baby together. I look forward to 2010 and the new life that will be joining us this year. I think it'll be a great year!

1 comment:

Brianna and Wade said...

That was a really great post! I am so excited for baby Yeip to come. It will be so much fun to meet him. Love ya lots!